Friday, 6 May 2016

Random thought for day

I was thinking about how the mantra of "Pedagogy first, Technology second" was and still is the mantra of so many.

It was certainly mine until about 12 months ago. Then I started thinking that if, as we say, technology is just another tool and we don't say 'Pedagogy first, Pencils second', maybe it should be 'Pedagogy first, Resources second' or maybe just 'Pedagogy first' and technology should just be ubiquitous. Then I started thinking about what pedagogy is and can it always come first. In an ideal situation, absolutely but pedagogy is the method and practice of teaching and can that always come first? In different schools with different contexts and for individual students there may be other things that must come first such as basic needs, compassion, guidance and support.

So I no longer have a nice succinct mantra regarding pedagogy and technology. It goes something like this 'Good pedagogy should drive classroom practice and should come before technology and other resources.'