Friday, 3 April 2015


I remember the first time I saw a thumb drive. I was given some photos and maps on one for impending trip. Up until then I had been using rewritable CD Roms and DVDs and thought the thumb drive was the coolest thing. This was in about 2002. Since then I have accumulated at least 20, maybe even 30, of these devices along with several external hard drives. What I do know is that I have an incredible amount of double ups of data and have always had some ridiculous idea that one day I will go through them all and organise them.

Then along came cloud storage. Being a big Apple fan, I do use iCoud for my documents, keynotes and photos but I also like the simplicity and versatility of Google products. I have long used GoogleDrive to store photos, movies, presentations and much more, Gmail for email and GoogleForms for surveys but I have only recently started using GoogleDocs, GoogleSheets and GoogleSlides. It's funny because I was introduced to then long ago and thought they were great. It's almost like I have an adult equivalent of a zone of proximal development - as far as technology goes I need to be developmentally ready to take the next step.

So it comes that now I use GoogleDocs for all of my word processing, GoogleSheets for all of my spreadsheets and I am working toward GoogleSlides for my presentations. No more double ups for me and they make sharing and collaboration so easy.

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